My Brother's Helo Goes Down - My brother, LT Christian Hescock is dead.
Sept. 24, 2007, 10:26PM
Navy helicopter crash in Guam kills 1. Three other crew members injured.
Associated Press
HAGATNA, Guam — A U.S. Navy helicopter crashed late Monday during a training mission in Guam, killing one of four people on board, the Navy said.The helicopter from the Sea Combat 25 squadron crashed into the Fena Reservoir on Navy property near Naval Magazine in Santa Rita.
Three members of the crew were rescued and transported to the island territory's Navy hospital. Lt. Donnell Evans, a Navy spokesman, said one crew member had a broken arm while the other two were treated for minor injuries.
The body of the fourth crew member was recovered from the water, Guam Fire Department spokesman Angel Llagas said. The names of the crew members were not released.
The helicopter squadron in Guam is the Navy's only one of its type. Its mission includes resupplying ships and providing 24-hour search and rescue and evacuation services for the U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Navy identifies crew member who died in Guam helicopter crash
By Vince Little, Stars and Stripes Mideast edition,
The Navy has identified the crewmember killed in Monday night’s helicopter crash on U.S. Naval Base Guam.
Lt. Christian Hescock, 34, died about two hours after the MH-60 Seahawk crashed into Fena Reservoir at about 10:30 p.m., during a training mission, said Lt. Donnell Evans, a Naval Base Guam spokesman.
Hescock, whose position was not released, was pronounced dead en route to the hospital.
Evans said the remaining three crewmembers, all men, were hurt in the crash, including a 27-year-old who suffered a dislocated shoulder. The other two, identified only as being ages 27 and 20, sustained minor injuries.
All were treated at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam. Evans could not confirm Tuesday whether any of the servicemembers had been released.
The helicopter was assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 25, stationed at Andersen Air Force Base on Guam.
Evans said Tuesday he had no more details on the cause of the crash.
“Right now, we’re still in the recovery and investigative phases,” he said. “The majority of the aircraft is submerged. … Once we’re able to recover the aircraft, we can start the investigation.”
Evans said a memorial service for Hescock may be held in the coming days.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Troy Cooper, Close Friend
Your friend,
Troy Cooper
David Thatcher
To the family of Lt. John Hescock:
As a Vietnam veteran and the uncle of the other pilot on that aircraft, I cannot express in words how saddened I am at your loss. The military is a brotherhood and the loss of any member of the family is devastating. I thank God that my nephew will recover from his physical injuries but also know that the emotional pain at this tragic loss of his friend, comrade, and fellow aviator will never completely be forgotten.
Our deepest condolences and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
David Thatcher
Carissa (Utley) Moore, Church Friend
Its Carissa Moore (Utley). I hope you remember me. I am Shelley Dillons Best friend and have known you and Christian since I was 12 years old. I first met Christian at youth Camp when I was 12 and continued to stay in touch over the years until I was 19. Even though we lost touch I still thought of him from time to time. He was the sweetest and kindest person; a true heart of gold. I will miss him. He was the kind of person that would do anything for anyone. I really admire what he has done and did for our country. I have so many memories of him and with you, Shaun. Im just glad I can say that I knew him.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Donna (Gleason ) Pollard, Church & School Friend
How can you possibly express in a few sentences the impact one life has upon another??? From the moment I heard the tragic news on Monday morning until today, countless memories have been pouring into my mind. I will never forget the “good old days” in school when the two of you would come crashing through the doors and jumping over tables – good times! We also discovered that Christian was pretty good at walking on stilts, and many other memories I recall from those school years. I also remember spending time with Christian while he was stationed in San Diego when a group of us were there for the weekend. I honor his sacrifice and dedication to this country. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom and dad, and Ruth. He will never be forgotten!
Donna (Gleason) Pollard
PR2 Kittrina Bartlett, US Navy
LT Jim Kiffer, HSC-25, US Navy
Dear Shaun and the Hescock family,
My name is LT Jim Kiffer, Christian and I met while checking into VT-28 in Corpus Christi. We followed each other all through flight school eventually ending up together here at HSC-25 in Guam. We had always known each other but were never really close, until I returned from DET. Our wives hung out nearly daily so Christian and I started seeing each other a lot as well.

Jim and Jessica Kiffer
Diane Fletcher - Jonathon's Mom
My name is Diane Fletcher and I am Jonathan's mom. I have known Christian since he was a wet-behind-the-ears 21-year-old who had recently successfully completed rescue swimming school along with Jonathan. He and Jonathan were both being stationed in San Diego, and he stayed with Jonathan and me in Northern California for a few days on his way from Oregon to San Diego, while Jonathan was packing up his things. Over the years, I have observed him grow from a young man who was certain he was going to conquer the world and felt he was invincible, into a mature, compassionate, dedicated, committed and focused man who realized, although he couldn't conquer the world, he could make an enormous contribution toward making the United States a better and safer place.
While Jonathan and Christian were stationed in Pensacola, they spent time with my brother David, who was living there. Whether we were in San Diego or Pensacola, Christian was an integral part of our family for many years and we were all deeply touched by the person that he was. His sense of humor and "touch of mischief" made him a delightful addition to any family gathering.
He always spoke so highly of you, referring often to your "genius". He openly loved and respected your mom and dad. He loved you all very deeply. His eyes twinkled when he looked at Ruth or spoke of her.
I feel honored to have known and loved him, and couldn't have been more proud of him when he graduated from college and then went on to become a commissioned officer. He was like my second son. I will miss his smile and the wonderful person he was. His hugs were legendary.
My heart breaks for your family and, of course, Ruth. I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. Christian will always be remembered and forever loved.
Thank you very much for creating this memorial. God Bless and comfort your family.
My darling you were a bright shining light. You shone so bright and hot. You burned out way too soon. Godspeed from our arms to the arms of Jesus.
AWC(AW/NAC) John J. "SARDOGG" Molloy, HSC-21 US Navy
My name is John Molloy. I had the great privilege to serve with your brother during his first tour as an enlisted aircrewman at HC-11 from 1996-1999. I first met your brother through our good friend Jonathan Fletcher while the three of us were going through (FRAC) Fleet Replacement Aircrew School at HC-3 in January of 1996. Your brother was in the senior class and a few months ahead of me upon my arrival. Everything that you know, hear and are reading about your brother is so very true! I also am a personal witness to his good heart and friendship. Though your brother had his own studies to prepare himself for his own flights, he went out of his way to not only help me, but other prepare for theirs. Though I was not as close to your brother as Jonathan for those two were tied at the hip, I considered your brother a good friend and a true shipmate! Christian took a different career path than Jonathan and I but he didn't change. I last saw your brother roughly three weeks ago when he was here in San Diego for training. He stopped by to see some old friends around our command that he had previously served with. Jonathan and I were up in our office taking care of business when Christian arrived, Jonathan was hard at work and brainstorming over a paper he was writing and here come Christian. He sat down between us and started sharing his knowledge and way with words once again, helping Jonathan complete his task at hand so they could go out and have some fun while he was in town. YEP! That is the Christian I remember and always will, that is why I have no doubt he is in heaven with wings of gold on his back! He always gave of himself to help others! Jonathan and I were in those same seats, when we received the news of the mishap Monday morning San Diego time. My prayers go out to you, your family, Ruth and my friend Jonathan for he lost the closest thing to a brother he ever had. FLY HIGH FOR ETERNITY MY FRIEND! YOU WILL SURELY BE MISSED!
God Bless,
LT Tim Metcalf, Pilot, HSL-46 US Navy
My name is Tim Metcalf. I had the great pleasure of meeting Christian at USD. I was also a prior Aircew/Rescue Swimmer and in the same commissioning program. We had many wonderful times together. I started out as a Computer Science major like him and I swear I would not have made it through that semester without his help. We taught the midshipmen of the ROTC unit swimming classes and spent a few weekend mornings in the pool together. I remember the day after a Saturday pool session, he took me to meet this girl working at Starbucks. He was so funny about it, like a young boy. Little did I realize he would end up marrying this amazing woman. After graduation and preliminary flight training, Ruth and Christian went off to Corpus, we meet up again in Pensacola for Helo training. We once again became close, and spent many great evenings laughing and joking as they would come out to Milton for BBQ's. My wife and I even pawned off a kitten on them one evening. But the funniest memory I have of Christian, is him setting off fireworks one fourth of July. He must have spent hundreds of dollars, and with Ruth in the backgound (and worried) he tried to light ALL them off. We had to hide many of them or it would have lasted for days. He was always ready to have fun and help out. When my family and I moved into Military housing, he was there, with his truck, without hesitation. He helped when no one else could. That was the way he was, always there for anyone.Everyone who had the fortune of knowing him, has lost a truely amazing person. I have lost a friend I loved as a brother. Ruth and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I am SO SO SORRY for your loss!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bonnie Swearingen
Take care.
Bonnie Swearingen
LT Tara Collins, Ships Nurse, US Navy
I just learned this morning of Christian’s accident. I was stationed on the USNS Mercy last year on the humanitarian assistance mission with the HS-25 crew. I was a nurse on board and there were multiple times that they were needed on a professional basis. The entire crew is truly like a band of brothers. In reading LCDR Nolan’s story about Simuleue it brought back a lot of memories and every word was absolutely true. I remember hearing that story from Christian and the boys and it was truly a highlight for a lot of us there.
LT Collins, Tara
Bryan Loun, Oregon State Captain - Patriot Guard Riders
On behalf of the Patriot Guard Riders, I wish to extend my deepest condolences for the loss of your brother . I can not begin to imagine the pains you have to endure. Please know that your brother LT Christian John Hescock is a true American hero. If there is anything we can do to ease the burden, please let me know. It would be an honor to stand for him.
Bryan Loun
Oregon State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders
Shane Baker, US Navy 2515th NAAD
first of all I would just like to express how deeply sorry I am for you and your family's loss. My name is Shane Baker. My job is to take care of flight gear for Pilots and Aircrew. I never got to actually sit down and talk to your brother, but I did have the pleasure of seeing him pass in and out of my shop to grab his flight gear on the way to the Aircraft. He always had a smile on his face and was always willing to help anyone in need. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and his wife Ruth. He will be truly missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him.
PRAN Shane Baker
PO1 Christopher Snow, US Navy 2515th NAAD
First of all, I am truly sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I served with your brother on Detachment Two. I have so many fond memories cruising with him. Mr. Hescock was the ultimate Sailor. He taught me so much about the Navy but more importantly he taught me more about life He loved his job. He told me once that his ultimate thrill wasn't flying it was helping young sailors. I owe a lot of my success to your brother. Shaun, your brother was a once in a lifetime officer, he will be missed dearly…….
Chris Snow
Marvin and Ellen Wallace
We were so saddened to hear about Christian. Our hearts and prayers go out to you.
I am a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, an organization of some 113,000 members nationwide formed just in the last few years. They are a group throughout the U.S. of mostly veterans who honor both the fallen as well as returning servicemen from duty.
I have given your name to Bryan Loun who is the Captain for the state of Oregon. Their website is so you can familiarize yourself with our missions. They can be there to honor Christian at his service in Oregon but only by INVITATION from the family. If you (or Ruth) decide, you may end up with a funeral escort of a hundred or more motorcycles, all flying American flags.
One of the missions I rode on was over 250 motorcycles in the funeral cortage. The decision would be by whoever in the family would be making the arrangements. At least please read the mission statement and see (right side of website) some of the missions we have been on.
May the Lord bless you and give you comfort during this time.
Marvin and Ellen Wallace
Wendy Pollan
People come into our lives for a reason I am so glad I met you and your mom Terryl. I wanted to meet Christian and Ruth. I wish i did in July when they were here. I am so glad we have heroes to look up to like your brother in this world. My daughter Gabby can sleep at night knowing our service men are out there risking there lives for our freedoms. Our deepest condolences to you and your family, I am keeping you all in my prayers.
Wendy and Gabby
Kenny & Lisa More - Navy Parents
Let me start by saying how very sorry we for your family's loss. May God hold you close to his heart as you and your family deal with this tragedy. After reading most of the blogs, I am convinced your brother was one heck of a man. We have been praying for your family since we heard about this tragic event. We also are a Navy family that is very proud to have a son serving our great country. I feel in my heart that your brothers heroic effort to land the aircraft in the water saved three other lives. My only wish is that your brother would have walked away with our son and the other two crewmembers on Monday night. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for your family.
God bless you and your family,
Kenny and Lisa Moore
Parents of PO2 Jeffery N. Moore
Jennifer Gaugler - Navy Wife
I arrived on Guam less than 2 months ago and never met your brother. However, my husband Ted was one of Christain's flight instructors at Whiting and knew him well. Ted rarely talked about his students, but he did talk often about Christian.
Christian was an absolute joy to fly with then and Ted was so looking forward to flying with him again in HSC-25 when he returns from deployment. I am so sorry that he never had the chance. Before attending the memorial service for Christian today, I took some pictures of the base flags at half staff. I thought you would like to see them flying that way in honor of your brother.
Bless you and your family and bless Ruth.
Jennifer Gaugler
LCDR Bruce Nolan, HSC-25 US Navy
I've been sitting here staring at this message now for a while. I keep writing, then deleting, the opening lines. I don't know what to say. I don't know words enough to say. I've been trying to do everything I can for Ruth. I also want to be able to do anything I can for you and the rest of your family. I do this because I know that Christian would have done the same for any of us.
Today was the memorial service. I heard your letter read and thank you for mentioning me. But you have to know, that I did this not because anyone told me to. I asked to be there when Ruth was notified. I wanted it to come from someone who knew him well. When I talked to your mother on the phone, it was so hard to tell her. I wanted to look you and your mother in the eye and tell you both that Christian was in an accident. I hated that I had to do it over the phone like that. But, unfortunately 7,000 miles of ocean separate us. I sincerely hope that one day, I can shake your hand and tell you what a great brother you had. I want to tell your mother I am so sorry. I want to tell your father how much Christian respected him. Christian used to tell me stories of sitting in coffee shops on his webcam and helping your father out with his computer problems. I know you all miss him, but you also have to know what a great man he was and how many people he moved.
It will be your choice whether to post the above message to you on the site. Please post the below story though:

There are a lot of great pictures of Christian on the site. However, the one that seems to be everyone's favorite is the close up of Christian holding the small boy in front of the helicopter. It was one of the first one's posted on your memorial blog. It appeared on every website with the news. We had it framed for the memorial service. I thought you should know the story behind it and see some other pictures of the same time.
We were on DET 2 on the USNS MERCY mission. It was a humanitarian mission to bring free medical care, medical education, and training to the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and East Timor. The picture was taken during a mission in Simeulue, Indonesia off the coast of Sumatra near Banda Ache. It was hit by the Tsunami a couple of years before and we were trying to do what we could to help the area improve conditions. We had a difficult flight schedule and could not really work it out. So we decided to bring the helicopter into the landing zone and shut down to let the other helicopter continue with the other operations. Someone told me that it might be fun because we were going to a school and the children could get to see a helicopter and meet the people that fly it. Christian immediately volunteered.

Christian, we are going to miss you. But you touched our hearts, our spirits, and our minds. I salute your life. I won't forget. "Det 2 remembers... Always!"
Bruce Nolan
PS. A special thanks to PH1 Latham who took the original picture. I am not sure he knows how much it will be remembered.
Lt. Andre Gomez, HSC-25 US Navy, Pilot
My name is LT Andre Gomez. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing your brother since flight school in Pensacola. We deployed together on the USNS MERCY and were set to deploy together again next month. We had been flying together quite a bit recently preparing for our upcoming deployment. He was an outstanding pilot and an even better friend and I will miss him immensely. He was always there when you needed him. I remember on Sunday LT Dehner and I were preparing an extensive brief for our flight the next night. Christian was flying with us but not required to help with the brief. He came in anyway to help for several hours AFTER helping LT Kiffer fix his car, then left work to support a beach clean up with Ruth. This is the type of person he was.
I have included a picture of Det 2 pilots and taxi drivers in Subic Bay, Philippines.
God Bless,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
AW2 Bradley Essick, US Navy
Hello my name is Bradley Essick. I use to work with your brother. I can't express how sorry I am for your loss right now. I might not have known Mr. Hescock as well as others but i did know him as a co-worker. He was one to always have a smile on his face and a cheerful attitude. I have recently been discharged from the service. One thing your brother told me as I checked out two weeks ago that i will take with me forever is, "This isn't the end, keep driving forward and good things will come." I know my words can never replace your brother, but this isn't the end for him, he has started a new journey. Your brother has inspired me to know that when one day ends, another begins for that I'm glad to have met him and known him and call him sir.
AW2 Bradley Essick
Cara (Koenig) Hall - Church & School Friend
Thanks so much for starting this blog where we can all share our memories of our dear friend Christian. I have so many fond memories of him during our school days. I, (like Noel), laughingly remember you and Christian running laps in the fellowship hall knocking over chairs, tables and whatever else was in your way!! I think it was a daily occurrence! He was such a wonderful friend (and big brother), and I feel honored to have known him. I am also thankful for his service to our country. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Love and prayers,
Cara (Koenig) Hall
Jonathan Kline, Pilot - US Navy

I can't even put into words what I want to say. I've known Christian since 1998 when we cruised together on the USS ESSEX, me as a junior pilot, him as a salty 2nd Class and H-46 Crewchief. I had the pleasure of serving with him
I do have a story for you, and I will get it to you this weekend. It is the story of Christian that I remember most.
I have attached a couple of pictures for you as well. Can you please make sure that they get to Ruth also?
Jon Kline
* USS Essex - Number 2 on the hull, but second to none!
Amanda Pearson - Church friend
I don't really remember your brother that much growing up, but I do remember how proud everyone was of him. I am truly sorry to hear about your loss, please let your mother and the rest of your family know that our prayers are with you. My mother and myself would like to know it there is going to be any kind of memorial here in Oregon for Christian? My Sister Tammie told me to tell you that her heart goes out to you and your family. May God bless you in this time of loss.
Amanda Pearson
There is nothing i can do, to make him come back
There are no answer's I can give, that will satisfy your questions
I can not promise your broken heart will ever be complete
He never really left
I do promise he hears you when you speak
He is every you step you take
" He is like the wind. You can not see him...but you will always feel him"
YNC Larry "Tony" Zabel - US Navy
First of all my prayers and thoughts go out to the family of LT Hescock. I was TAD to HSC-25 for 6 months working as the Admin Chief. Upon my arrival I began turning over the Security Manager position to LT Hescock. I worked hand in hand on a daily basis with LT and through our talks I realized how brilliant this Naval Officer was. He was proud of his degree and what he was doing for his country. Even though LT seemed laid back he was also a professional and took the job as serious as any officer in the Aviation Community. I can honestly say that he helped me both professionally and personally. The Navy will miss him and the country as a whole just doesn't realize what kind of pilot we have lost - but I do and he will never be forgotten.
God Bless
Larry Zabel "Tony"
AN Edwin Alcaraz, HSC-25
Hi Shaun,
My name is Edwin Alcaraz, I am the command photographer/webmaster in which I had the great pleasure of working for your brother within the same department. His presence is missed here, and the place just isn't the same without him. Even though I only knew and got to work with him briefly, he had always been a familiar face to me because I would always see him volunteering his time to help out the local community, it showed his true character. It was only last week when I had a sit-down with him about my goals, and how for him, it had always been a dream of his to pilot an aircraft regardless of the risk or opportunity that may have been passed up, he mentioned how he could have been an underwater welder making trillions of dollars in the past, but instead chose to go through with his life-long dream. His words gave me the inspiration to go through with my dreams. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and his wife Ruth, who he spoke admirably about as not only a great and loving wife, but a wonderful and talented artist as well.
Dan Kissel - US Navy
Please accept our greatest sympathy. We can not express how shocking this is and how difficult it is for the Navy family and most of all your family. I was stationed with Christian for a short time but realized fast that he was a fine American. He died doing what he loved and loved doing it for his country. God bless you and your family, you will all be in our prayers.
Dan, Nancy, and Rachel
Garcy Gaminde - US Navy
I just want to offer my condolences to your family and Christian's wife Ruth. I got to know Christian since the command I am supporting, NAWMU-1, report to the same echelon in San Diego. I had the opportunity to meet Christian a few times and one thing I remember that will always be with me is how easy he was to talk with. We once talked on the phone and once the business topic was taken care of, the conversation turned to more of a personal tone. Great guy. He was one of those guys you meet in life that you get the feeling that you were friends for a while. Not too many guys in the world like that. He always ended his emails with "Thanks, Christian". Which was rare in the military world. That tells you he was comfortable with being known as Christian and not Lt. Hescock. Your parents raised a good son. There isn't much that anyone can say to make the pain of Christian's untimely death any easier. But just know that your brother was a good guy and though our meeting was brief, it was always good to see, hear and get a message from him. I wish I knew him better. My prayers are with your family and his wife Ruth. Take care, and again, my condolences to your family.
Thank you.
Garcy Gaminde
Susanna (Dinwiddie) Gangle - Church & School friend.
I haven't seen Critter (I'm sure he outgrew that nickname, but it is how I remember him) pretty much since high school, but, my memories are vivid!! He always had a smile on his face and a wise crack or two to hand out. (Sometimes at my expense, but always in fun.) If I had a penny for everytime he called me "Susanna Banana" I would be very rich! :) He always made the school day a little more interesting than it would have been otherwise. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. May God grant you peace and comfort and let His Love be real to you in a way you have never felt before.
Susanna (Dinwiddie) Gangle
AMAN Tom Warren
My Name is AMAN Tom Warren and I was the plane captain who sent out your brother's aircraft. I was the last person to see all of the crew on the ground. I was actually sitting down and talking to him shortly before he flew. Christian was very down to earth and extremely easy to get along with. I think back to the many times I had a chance to sit down and talk to him (usually in the smoke pit), just before and after his flights, never thinking I would never see him again. We would talk about a variety of things, which always translated into me learning a great deal from him. I will miss him greatly.
AMAN Tom Warren
Geri Graf
As you know, I was there when you and Christian were born. Shortly thereafter, we all went our different ways and were out of touch until your Mom had her open heart surgery. She asked Christian to try to find me. He was successful and I thank God everyday that you are all back in my life.
The first time I saw Christian was when you mom had her leg amputated. I remember walking into her room and seeing him. He was so full of life sitting there in your Mom's wheelchair doing little wheelies. You could just feel the love in the room. My time with Christian was short and I am sad about that, but I feel my life is fuller for having known him. My heart goes out to you, your Mom and Ruthie. My love, prayers and support will be with you always.
Love Geri
Noel Dillon - Church & School friend
Shaun and Terryl,
As a classmate and church friend I too have many great memories of Christian. He definitely brought energy and laughter to all our lives. Just a few things that I remember...Many times Shaun would chase Christian around school and for some reason there was a small hint of enjoyment in Christian's eyes (as he "Ran for his life). :)
Also Christian had a soft and gentle side. There were times I would watch as he would wrap his long arms around his Mother and proudly shower her with Love & Affection.
I want to say that I am honored to know Christian and thankful for his service to our Country. He will be greatly missed.
Many thoughts and prayers.
Noel (Huessy) Dillon
Ron & Celene Gay - Oregon
Our son is serving in the Navy currently stationed with the HSC25 Island Knights in Guam. We extend our deepest sympathy and our prayers to your family. As fellow Oregonians and as fellow military parents our hearts are full of grief at your loss of such a fine man. Words just don't seem to be enough.
Ron & Celene Gay
Wallowa, Oregon
Phillip Wesson - Church friend
My friendship with you and Christian was brief. I do however only have memories of Christian with his big smile and gregarious personality. I sincerely weep with you and mourn for you. Christian will forever be in my list of personal hero's. I hold your family in my prayer.
Phillip Wesson
Scarbrough Family
It is times like this that words are very hard to come by. We are so very sorry for this tragic situation and the loss of Christian to you, your family, and the rest who knew and loved Christian. Christian may no longer be physically here, but will remain in the memories of all who knew and shared times with him. Nothing can take our memories from us. This blog website is truly wonderful and I believe it will help all who visit it through this very trying time. Our condolences go to you and your family and trust that your memories, and each other, will help you.
With sympathy,
Nancy, Stewart & Stacey
Carolyn Tuchtenhagen (BeBe) - Cousin
Critter was the second guy to steal a piece of my heart, Shaun was the first! Critter took that piece of heart with him on Monday night. I hope he shares it with Grandma (she's gonna love you). I will surely miss him as much as I do her. I didn't get to know the man well, but I certainly remember the cutest little boy ever. And I will always remember him as my BABY. Aunty and Uncle Terry I love you both very much. And Ruth you hold on to that love for Christian tightly I'm sure he can still feel it. I pass on a sweet kiss and a goodbye to my boy Critter.
Love you always and forever,
Carolyn (Bebe) Your God Mother/cousin
Lt. Javier Araujo and Sandra Araujo
LT Javier Araujo and Sandra Araujo
AW1 Derek S. Rocha - HSC-25
I had the greatest pleasure these last three years working along side one of the finest Naval Officers I have ever met. I remember the day I had my first conversations with LT Hescock, it was over 2 years ago and it was about how he got his commission. Since that day he stood beside me, guided me, pushed me, and gave me written words of praise that accompanied my commissioning package to the selection board.
Needless to say I owe a great deal of gratitude to LT. Hescock because, like him, my dreams have come true and I was selected. I never had the chance to deploy with him but I had the privilege of flying countless flights with him here in Guam. Over the last several weeks I flew with him at least twice a week; a fantastic pilot, he will truly be missed.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family, and friends who have had something so cherished taken from them. Please don't mourn his death, but celebrate his life, his accomplishments and each and every person he touched. He was a fantastic man and friend, a devoted husband, a beloved son to his "Pops", your brother and a fine naval officer. He may be gone from Gods earth but rest easy, for the wings of gold that he once wore about his chest have moved to his back and have carried him to the gates of heaven. His memory will live with me all the days of my life. Thank you Hescock family for sharing your son with all of us. I've included a poem that came from a young British-American aviator and poet from World War II.
God Bless,
AW1(AW/NAC) Derek S. Rocha
Thank you for everything LT.
HM1 'Pup' Pollock - HSC-25
My name is HM1 Jason Pollock and I am one of the Flight Medics assigned with HSC-25. If you look in a dictionary, some of the definitions of the word Hero include phrases like "an illustrious warrior", "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities", and "one that shows great courage". All of these traits were regularly demonstrated by your brother. Whether he was flying missions from the ships he was deployed on or simply standing duty here at home; his dedication to professionalism and personal excellence were infectious and palpable. Starting from the Enlisted ranks to his tragically short Officer career, he stood as a beacon of what any of us could accomplish with the correct attitude and drive. Military flying is dangerous, even in the safest of environments. Knowing these risks, your brother spent the greater portion of his adult life, placing himself at risk for the potential benefit of others. There is no cause greater than this. He was Heroic in life and will always be a Hero in the eyes of those of us who were lucky enough to know him.
My prayers are with you and your family members during this emotionally devastating time.
HM1 (AW/NAC) J. M. 'Pup' Pollock
AW2 Erik Potter - HSC-25
My name is AW2 Erik Potter and I had the pleasure of working with your brother on more than one occasion. I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss, believe me when I say that we did all we could to try and get him home safe. I am a rescue swimmer and have flown with LT Hescock only a few times. He is a good pilot, one of our best, we all learned from him.
The weeks before the tragedy took place he and I where working on a database for the command CBR program where we had many conversations on how to set it up in the smoking area at the squadron. He was a very busy man and he was definitely an asset to HSC-25 and he will be missed very much. I never had the pleasure of going on a deployment with him but I will personally miss his wealth of computer knowledge, joking comments and his way to bring a smile to your face. This will truly stay with me all of my life and every time I get in the aircraft to go fly he will always be in my thoughts.
God speed to him and your family.
AW2 Erik Potter
Aircrew Maintenance Training PO
Jennifer (Tunai) Deburkarte - HSC-25
Dear Shaun,
My name is Jennifer L. Tunai and I'm married to Eric T. Deburkarte. I also worked with your brother at HSC-25 and he was one of the best pilots at the command and a great friend. I may not have cruised with him but my husband shared a lot of good stories and thing about him. When I heard the news I was in tears because I just couldn't believe that we had just saw him last week and now he's gone. I'm deeply sorry for what happened and know that we prayed for God to comfort the hearts of your dear family on your loss. Please extend our sympathy to his dear wife, to your parents, yourself and the entire family.
He will never be forgotten.
God bless,
Jennifer L. Deburkarte
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Kevin LaVigne - Guam
I helped support HSC-25's network and worked with your brother quite often. I always told folks at NCTS that HSC-25 was my favorite customer. This was because LT Hescock was so fun to work with. Great man. I'm gonna miss him.
Kevin LaVigne
Fleet Systems Engineering Team (FSET)
ONE-Net Local Network Service Center (LNSC)
U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS), Guam
Lata Gidwani
Hi Shaun:
My name is Lata Gidwani. My son rahul and Christian were roomnates at USD. I got to know him during that time and he left a lasting impression on me. I remember how he talked about his dream to be a pilot then. He was very friendly, generous and fun to be with. He visited us at our home in San Diego sometime in early March 07. At that time he talked about his life in Guam, and how happy he was with his job of flying. I still remember his smiling face. I find it hard to believe he is no more with us. My heart goes out to Ruth, your mom and dad and you.
May God give you strength to face this loss.
He will be missed
Brian Huffman - Church and School friend
Cora & I have many fond memories of Christian back in our school days.
I will always picture him with a big grin, having a great time. He had a
wonderful zest for life.
We honor Christian for his service to our country. He will be missed
terribly... Our prayers and love to all the family.
-Brian Huffman
Troy Cooper - Life Long Friend
We grew up together since we were about seven I guess. We caused lots of havoc and drove Shaun nuts, that was our job back then and I think we did it well. Just ask shaun. I will be lost with out you Critter, you were rock solid, the only one that I could talk to that made sense. On your last trip to visit, you said you and Ruth were planning on moving back to the NW when you were done. I was already looking forward to us retiring near one another. I had thoughts of us spending long nights talking together like we did when we were kids I know now how precious those times were and I will cherish them forever. You leaving for the NAVY was really hard for me, but I wanted the best for you and did not want to be selfish, so I did not say anything. Man I will miss you damit damit damit. I love you. Thanks Shaun.
Troy Cooper
Christy Orthner - HSC-26 - Virginia - Navy Wife
I am a wife of a MH-60S pilot in Virginia in HSC-26. I didn't know your brother but I have been following the news and searched the web and came upon your memorial website. I just wanted to email you to thank your family for your brother's service to our country. Lt Hescock did a very honorable job for the Navy and I know you are very proud of his accomplishments. Thank you for sharing his stories with us but most importantly thank you for unselfishly sharing him with our country...we are free because of men and women like him!
Alice & Gary Dehner - Kentucky
You don't know us, but our son Lt. Christian Dehner was flying the other helicopter during that tragic training exercise. Giving no names, he called to let us know what happened and that he was all right. He hurts as do we his parents for you. We just learned your Christian's name tonight via the Guam Pacific News. Our hearts are heavy, our tears are falling, our prayers and thoughts go from Kentucky to Guam to Oregon.
God bless you all.
Alice and Gary Dehner
*I have no way to reply to you save here. Thank you very much for your prayers and for your comments. We wish your family in the great state of Kentucky and Lt Christian Dehner the very best. God bless you!
Shaun and the Hescock family.
Eric & Mindy Pidek - USN - OCS
My name is Eric Pidek and I am speaking for both my wife Mindy and I. I met Christian 13 years ago in Pensacola when he and I were going through Aircrew School straight out of Boot camp. We followed each other up to A school and had lots of great times, eventually our careers took different paths. They reconverged though, when he and I both received commissions and ended up back in Pensacola at exactly the same time. I still remember how surprised I was to see him over at the swimming pool in his Officer khaki's during the check-in process. We took the same course throughout Primary Flight training, being next door neighbors in Corpus and Formation Flight Partners in Primary, he had come up with the name "Yogi Flight" for our solo formation and myself being vertically challenged affectionately referred to me as Boo boo. He and Ruth were great friends to us in Corpus, always a joy to be around, and part of our fondest memories from that period of our life. We are deeply sorry for your loss, and our deepest sympathy goes out to Ruth, yourself and your family and everyone else who Christian's joyful spirit touched. We will miss Christian yet we will remember the great times that we had while he was around and feel blessed that our paths crossed.
Eric and Mindy Pidek
Patti Arroyo - News Director - Newstalk K57 Radio Guam
Thanks for sharing a personal story with us complete strangers in Guam. We are not at all as far removed from the military community as some might think. There are many of us who grew up with parents who made a career out of the military, have served in the military themselves or are serving now. I will always try to foster the relationship between the two communities by sharing their stories. I know our interview on the radio this morning helped people who would never have known him, understand that all of us have a friend, brother, husband, son, or co-worker who is so well-loved by everyone they've touched. Your mother was so generous when I apologized for interfering in your grief. She said,"Oh please don't be sorry. We want everyone to know what a good man he was." Now we know.
Patti Arroyo
News Director
Newstalk K57 Radio
Ken Demo - Family Friend
My deepest sympathies to you and your Dad and Ruth and all your family. This is a sad ending to a great story that started many years ago. As a Navy man, I was very proud of what Christian became. He set high marks for himself and achieved them and had fun along the way.
There are so many stories I could tell, but here's one. It was on a Wednesday and all of us went skiing at Mt. Hood. You, your dad, Christian and I went. The snow was deep and you and your brother always tried to get me to go down big hills. Not being a very good skier, I would crash, my glasses would fly off, my skis would go different directions...and there were the two of you off to the side laughing at me. It was so much fun. I cherish those days. And I can still hear Christian's laugh. I want to thank you for putting this memorial together. My thoughts are with you.
Ken Demo
Lt. Larry Linscott - USD - OCS
LT Larry Linscott
Justice Conant - Long time family friend
Dear Shaun and Terryl,
It is hard for me to find the words to express how much you and Christian have meant to me
You are my family. We grew up together I can't even begin to count the hours we spent together or the memories we made together. Christian was fearless, competitive, gracious, loving, loyal and had an amazing lust for life. (I hated when he defended me at a game of hoops) I know life has not always been kind to your family and I know the many sacrifices you all made for each other. No one can deny the love Christian had for the both of you. He is an amazing soul and his memory will live on with all those who had the good fortune to have
known him. God be with you and keep you in this time of sorrow.
Justice Conant
Preston Rackauskas

AW1 (AW/NAC) Eric Deburkarte
Hi Shaun,
My name is Eric Deburkarte. Let me start off by saying, I sincerely send out my prayers to you, your family and your friends. I myself cruised with Christian during the Mercy mission, along with Tommy Butts, Bruce Nolan and Mike Giraud. Your brother was a great pilot and will truly be missed by me. When I heard the news, I was devastated. I couldn't believe it. I had just transferred from Guam 3 days before the accident. I talked to your brother while I was checking out of Guam and I remember the big smile on his face as he wished me the best of luck. I will always cherish the great memories we shared as a detachment on Det 2 and I will always remember that wonderful smile on his face.
My sympathy is with you and your family,
Eric Deburkarte
Ed Doheny
My name is Ed Doheny. I worked with your brother before leaving Guam for college. I remember he was an easy guy to like. Funny, easy going, and not to mention a great pilot. I never got a chance to go on deployment with Christian, but from my time working and flying with him I know that if I could have had the chance I would have.
My heart goes out to you and your family. He really was a great individual, and was looked up to by many, including myself. He will be missed.
Ed Doheny
Charlie Ombres - USD
We have never met, but I am a friend of Rahul's and I met Christian at USD (University of San Diego). I was in a lot of the same computer science classes as Christian was. I also lived just below rahul's and christian's apartment senior year in an apartment building close to USD on lauretta street. Because he lived just next door, I got to know Christian well and considered him a good friend. We had some fun times back then and it is sad to think he is gone. Just recently, Rahul and I had met up with Christian in San Diego earlier this year. It was great to see him and hear how he was living his dream of being a helicopter pilot in Guam. I hadn't seen him since we had graduated. Christian was a real one of a kind guy and he had a great sense of humor. He was a glass is half full kinda guy and I remember that he always had a funny story for any situation. At USD, even though we had been working on a programing project for hours, he always knew how to tell joke and get everyone in a good mood. I also remember he had a great story telling ability and recounted a few about his unbelievable experiences flying in the back of a dual prop helicopter in Kenya helping people on the ground and his other experiences in the navy. I remember, on his bookshelf, he had his helicopter helmet that he always liked talking about and I think it reminded him to never let his dream of being a pilot fade. I am really honored to have know Christian and he will be really missed.
Eva Chase & Family - Church and School Friend
Hey Shaun,
I just put a card in the mail today to you and your mom. Then I got the link to this great memorial/blog page. Thank you for putting it together. I’ve been reading all the posts and I am totally crying. I am sad that I never got to know the “adult” Christian, but I do have such sweet memories of a “young boy” Christian or yes, “Critter” as we called him. I have no doubt he was an awesome person! He had so much life, energy and love. I remember when you and Terry came to CA to visit us, enroute to San Diego to be with Christian. My husband fell in love with all of you guys. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
With much love,
Eva (Tam) Chase & Family
AZ2 Noah M. Harnick HSC-25
First let me say how truly sorry I am for your loss. I share your grief and I share your tears. I knew LT Christain Hescock very well. Just four hours before the tragedy happened I was involved in a conversation with LT Hescock over a cigarette about security clearances. I finished my cigarette first, looked at him as I always did and said “have a safe flight Sir.” LT Hescock was more than just a human being, he was what we all aspire to be some day; successful, a friend, a hero, a husband, a person with a heart so big there are no words to describe. That’s the kind of person LT Hescock was. He loved children and was the first to volunteer for static displays at area schools and volunteered his time to tutor young children in a local elementary school on Guam. There are little things about someone we notice that for some reason never leave our minds. I remember how he always had a smile on his face and how fast he walked where ever he was going. I remember that ratty old pick up truck or “Guam Bomb” he drove. When I heard the news of the tragedy, I was shocked and could not believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. I have no children but have been married for four and a half years. This tragedy and the passing of LT Hescock has changed my life. I think the mistake that so many of us make is that we develop a routine. We come to work and we walk through the doors of the hangar thinking to ourselves I am here to work my shift and go home. So many of us take for granted that at the end of our shift we will go home. The truth is we never know when we might not make it home. I no longer take it for granted. My Wife and I have made an agreement that from now on whenever we leave each others sight even if for just a few moments, that we not forget to tell each other how much we love one another. I still wonder why the Lord felt he need to take LT Hescock from us so soon. I strongly feel that heaven must have needed a hero that day, at least they got the greatest one. I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not hesitate to let the command know if there is anything we can do.
Petty Officer Second Class Noah Harnick
ADC (AW) Robert E. Munsinger
As it turns out yes I did know him. Worked and sweated alongside him in fact. In the world of H-46's we all become quite close in one way or another and many are known by many others. I remember the last time I saw him there in Guam as well. He was so proud and made a point of honoring me as someone he knew. I remember being proud to have known him even before he became an officer. I could think of none more deserving of becoming an officer. LT Hescock is a man that will be missed badly in this world and my prayers are with you and your family for this great loss.
ADC(AW) Robert. E. Munsinger
James (Kimo) Ventura
My name is James (Kimo) Ventura I also had the pleasure of working for and with your brother at home and out to sea with Det-2. Although we sometimes didn’t see eye to eye he always gave great direction and leadership with the highest professionalism which I will carry with me every day. If I could speak on behalf of the rest of Det-2 we will all miss him and always remember him as not just LT Hescock but as a commandant, a friend, a shipmate and most of all a great human being.
From a Brother to another Brother I can’t even begin to understand what you are going through but I can say is that to be very proud of him for he followed his own path and led a life to serve a higher purpose and gave his ALL which I will always respect and honor.
My regards to you and your family.
God Bless
James Ventura
Lisa Fletcher
This is Lisa Fletcher, Jonathan's wife. My heart goes out to you, your mom and dad, and of course to Ruth. Christian has been a part of our lives for 13 years, since Jonathan and Christian met in A School. Once we were both stationed in San Diego, I don't think that more than a few days would pass without seeing Christian. He and Jonathan were inseparable. Even though their careers ended up taking different paths, Jonathan and Christian still remained close. Our entire family has been affected by this tragic loss. My daughters miss their play buddy who would toss them in the air higher than he probably should. My husband misses his dear friend. And so do I. Christian was an amazing man who had such a thirst for knowledge and for life. I admire him so.
He will be missed.
Jonathan's Chief's pinning ceremony aboard the USS Midway in September 2005
Pam Gentry
Hi Shaun,
I am Pam Gentry I worked with your father, Terry for years and I have met you at different "shop" occassions.
I cannot feel the pain you bear, nor the emptiness that comes with losing someone as "special" as Christian. In my prayers, I place you and your family.
I wanted to share with you the lovely experience that I had with your brother, Christian. My parents lived in San Diego and I went to visit them. One time I met up with Christian because Terry (yours and Christian's father) had arranged for me to meet him and have a tour of the Navy base with my children and I. He was very gracious and intelligent man. We had some good laughs together as we sipped on a beer at a little San Diego beach bar that Terry and Christian had been together earlier in the year. Christian had a very big heart and made time for me and my children and showed us a wonderful time. He will be missed immensely!!! He is home with the Lord and may he rest in peace. I will continue to pray for comfort for this is such a big loss and I am soooooo very sorry!
Pam Gentry
Dennis and Susan Christ
Dennis and Susan Christ
Jo Anne Jones
Terry, there are no words to express the loss you are all feeling, at this moment. I am sincerely sorry. My desire and prayer is that the memories of such a brave and honorable son, brother, friend, will outshine, the pain of your loss.
Christian, may we all leave a legacy of honor, friendship, love and bravery, for others, as you have done.
Shaun, thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts and prayers for you, Terry and the rest of the family.
AZ2 (AW) Susan Schmitt HSC-25
Your family and your brother have continuously been in my prayers, I would like to offer my deepest sympathy. Although I did not know your brother well, I do have a story I’d like to share with you. When I first moved into the barracks he was my neighbor, one day in the smoke pit he asked me, “You live next to me in the barracks don’t you?” And I told him I did, he said, “You’re the quietest neighbor I’ve ever had.” And I responded with, “You’re the noisiest I’ve ever had.” We laughed, and I told him I was just kidding. I realized quickly that he was down to earth and very kind. Though I am considerably lower rank than he is, he always treated me with equality and respect. My admiration for him is vast and I will miss him deeply. I will continue to pray for him, his wife and the rest of your family, God bless you all.
With sympathy,
AW3 Cale Foy HSC-25
I had the utmost respect for LT. Hescock. I never told him that but I’m sure he knew it. I heard that before being a pilot, he was a swimmer also. I hate to see him go down like that but let it be known he is in a better place. He’s flying higher than ever now!
Cale Foy
Keeley Cooper
LCDR Bruce Nolan

My name is LCDR Bruce Nolan. I was his boss on the Mercy cruise. I broke the news to your family that night. I am so sorry I had to meet you like that. My heart goes out to you, your mother, your father, and the rest of your family. We are watching over Christian's wife here in Guam. She is in good hands.
Christian was a great man. There are not many like him. E-mails are flooding in from all over
I will never forget cruising with him. I will never forget him. Thanks for creating this site. I gave you my phone number. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Bruce Nolan
LCDR Bruce Nolan (continued)
Thomas Butts
AM2(AW) Jordan Rainey HSC-25
I am an enlisted member of HSC-25 and I have worked personally with your brother. First I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Second I would like to say that your brother was one of the most honorable men I have ever known. He treated everyone with the same respect no matter what there rank and he was always the first one to lend a helping hand. He will be missed by his Island Knight family.
Petty Officer 2nd class
Jordan Rainey
AT3 Brandon Shoemaker

Tiffany Fowler
I knew your brother only in passing at the squadron and he seemed to be a very nice and courteous man to me. My husband worked with him on a daily basis.
Your brother was a very brave man to do a job that most of us were too afraid to do. He will be deeply missed by the family of HSC-25. Our hearts and prayers go out to you, his wife, and your family. May God be with all of you.
Mrs. Tiff Fowler
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Michael A. Giraud

My name is Mike Giraud. I served with your brother in Guam. During our time together on DET 2, we all grew to love him as an Officer and a fellow Shipmate. He was my H2P(Helicopter Second Pilot) for many, many months while deployed on board the USNS SHASTA and the USNS MERCY. Later on, I had the honor of having him as a HAC(Helicopter Aircraft Commander) during our last deployment together on board the USNS FLINT. He was a great man who will be surely missed.
If you need or want pictures taken during our numerous deployments, please feel free to let me know so I can send them to you. I can say with 100% certainty that I speak for all of us on DET 2 when I say that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May he rest in peace and forever be remembered as a remarkable human being.
Michael A. Giraud
“Hi Pops, what’s up” is how you always greeted me whether on the phone or when we would get together. I miss you and so much want to hear you say it again.
I’m so grateful I got to hug you and tell you I love the last time we parted and I’m holding onto that moment for dear life now. I can’t stop crying, I’m crying for myself and for those who knew and loved you. Oh God how I miss you Critter. My world is hollow and you have touched the sky. Love Dad
Aaron "the Mangler" Mangelsdorf
I am certainly able to relate with you, and as such, just tell you that there's nothing I can say other than I'm very sorry. There is no magic bullet to make things better; just the knowledge that over time it hurts a bit less, and that invariably our perspective evolves a bit; at least that's what I've learned. I love you all very much, and I appreciate being able to publicly acknowledge and honor the life of Christian; a life full of accomplishment.
Maybe our brothers are finally catching up after all this time!
Tom Williams
I served with your brother a few years back. He took me under his wing and taught me some great lessons. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I will always remember him.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Erika S.
Here's to one of the most ornery guys I've ever known and still enjoyed hanging out with! And thank you for happily signing up for a job most of us are too afraid to do. Your family is so proud of everything you accomplished in your too short life.