This is a memorial for people to leave thoughts, stories, and condolences about my brother, a U.S. Navy helo pilot who left us way too early. Godspeed bro! My family would like to thank all of you who visit, who knew my brother, who served with him, who flew with him, and encouraged him. He was loved by many, but I was proud to call him brother.
A special thanks to everybody at HSC-25 for their support and their wives for supporting my brother's wife through this tragedy. I'd also like to thank Guam Fire Dept. SAR, Guam Police Dept., the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy and the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas.
Please leave comments, stories, and pictures by emailing them to I will create posts out of them. Please also leave your name. Thank you.
The letter I prepared for Christian's Memorial
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for being here at this memorial to my brother, Lt. Christian John Hescock. I am sorry that I could not attend.
I loved my brother very much and I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of him and his various accomplishments throughout the years.
When I think of my brother I can’t help but think of the US Navy, and all the opportunities the Navy has given him. They took a gawky kid, who had some rough talent and forged him into a man drawing those various rough talents to the surface and molding him into the sailor and officer we all knew. To me, the US Navy and my brother represent four qualities: Excellence, duty, honor, sacrifice.
All of you here today have sacrificed to get where you are. The duties and missions you undertake are dangerous in nature and there is a real chance that you may not make it home. You know this, but you persevere and do your duty anyway. You all have my sincere admiration. You are all part of an amazing tradition of excellence, duty, honor, and sacrifice that harkens back to the birth of our nation. You make manifest the vision that President Abraham Lincoln had on November 19, 1863 when he spoke these famous words…
“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us…that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain;that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Our Union is a legacy that the men and women of the US Navy have helped keep alive since October 13, 1775. You are all a part of that legacy, I am proud that my brother is also a part of that great tradition.
I can only hope that his memory and his life will inspire you and drive you to excellence in your careers and your lives. Live them to the fullest.
In conclusion, please let me say that I would like to tell my sister-in-law Ruth that I love you very much and though we didn’t spend a lot of time together, I think of you very highly. My brother was the fortunate one in the relationship and there was no doubt in my mind when I met you that you were the one for him.
Pete & Peggy Lance, my brother loved you both very much and I always felt like I was a part of your family as well. Thank you for your support and your love for my brother.
I would like to recognize Jonathon Fletcher and Thomas Butts. You were more than just friends to my brother. You were his brothers and he loved you both as such. I ought to know.
I would also like to thank LCDR David Orlosky, LCDR Bruce Nolan, & Commander Pat Everly for taking care of Ruth and my brother and for being there for our family day or night.
Thank you to the Navy wives, you are the cornerstone that keeps the home fires burning and you give your spouses the peace of mind to concentrate on their duties. Thank you for being there for Ruth. You are all outstanding.
I'd also like to thank Guam Fire Dept. Search and Rescue, Guam Police Dept., the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy and the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Marianas.
Thank you HSC-25 (Two Five) for your input on my brother’s memorial site, for your kind words, for your pictures, stories, thoughts, and prayers. HSC-25 will have a special place in my heart.
May God bless you all and keep you safe through your various deployments and assignments. I salute all of you.
Shaun Hescock
Go Island Knights
Go Navy
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